Monday, 31 October 2022

Trick or Treat

Chorus of tiny zombies, skeletons, werewolves and vampires at the door: Trick or Treat!

Me (running out of sweets): Trick!

Tiny zombies, skeletons, werewolves and vampires (downcast): We've not thought of one.

Tiniest zombie (pipes up): I've got one. What's your name?

Me: Catherine

TZ (points to nose, hidden under thick green make-up): What's this?

Me: Your nose?

TZ (nods, holds out empty, cupped hands): And what's this?

Me: errr....nothing?

TZ (triumphantly): So - Catherine Nose Nothing! That's your trick! Give us a sweet now!

Friday, 22 April 2022


Singing Man (walking along the road): LALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAAAA

Me (coming out of house): Oh God, he's a bit scary, better get into the car fast (scrabbles with keys, dives in). Maybe he's drunk. Or a bit crazy. OhGodOhGod. Don't come near me...please...

Singing Man stops behind car.

Me (heart hammering, thinks): Oh God, what's he doing? What do I do? Beep the horn for help? OhGodOhGod..

Singing Man (appears in car rear window, waves cheerily): I've just moved your bin for you, pet. You would have caught your wing mirror when you reversed out. Cheerio!