Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Boys steal my food

Quietly minding my own business at work, then footsteps approach...
Frenchie: Dahling! You look lovely today (starts to stroke my hair). Do you 'ave any food for me? Even just a leetle beet?

...a few moments later..
English(shuffles up, bleary-eyed): Bloody hell. I am SO hungover. You got any scran?

....followed shortly after by..
Spaniard (difficult to make out what he is saying, due to unlit fag hanging out of mouth): Holaaaaaa! Mmmmm...galletas....veni aqui....

...just when you thought the coast was clear...
Portuguese: Hey girl! What food have you got today? Gimme! Wax on! Wax off!

....not to be outdone by....
Russian: Are you trying to fatten me up for the orthodox Easter or something? Spaysiba!

.Me(peering into empty biscuit box): Bloody hell, it says here there were 48 in here. I have only had FOUR. Oh, for God's sake. Is bloody hunter-pilferer, never mind hunger-gatherer.

1 comment:

  1. What do you have today btw ? I'll give you a visit later.
