Sunday, 27 December 2015

Second star to the right then straight on until morning

Me (pondering): If I was a character in Peter Pan, which character do you think I would be?
Confused Parent (glint in eye): Nana the Dog. Soft and cuddly but with a bite.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Chocolate Fireman

Me (in kitchen, hattered, blathering) :…so there I was in the middle of baking when the bell went, I ran to the front door and yanked it open, thinking it was you, but instead it was a fireman in full uniform, looking a bit stunned I have to say, I mean, how often does something like that just knock on your front door, anyway, I bought a calendar from him (I was so flustered I gave him five euros, it wasn't cheap and it is a bit rubbish to be honest, just pictures of them fully-clothed, spraying water on chemicals, honestly, they really need to work on their PR) and I gave him my phone number as he has very kindly offered to come back on his day off and help me install my fire alarms..imagine..

Chief Stray (bemused/resigned) : What's that brown smear across your chin?

Me (running to mirror, horrified) : Oh God. It's chocolate from the cake mix (panics) OhGodOhGod - do you think he noticed?

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Meufs sans Oeufs*

(In car, after loading it with two small boys, school bags, sports kit and shopping)

Yummy Mummy (fiddling with keys in ignition): So it was only when he started drilling that I realised he was doing the wrong tooth!
Me (mouth open, shocked enough to stop applying lip gloss): You are joking! What did you do?
YM (still fiddling, distracted): Well, I tried to tell him but his arm was in my mouth up to the elbow, so I couldn't speak..
(Small squeak from back seat..Mummy, there's a man..)
Me (appalled, waving lip gloss in mid/air): Oh, my God. Nightmare. What happened?
YM (keys finally in ignition, starts car): So eventually I just grabbed his arm and pulled it away, that's when he realised..
Me (outraged): What are they like? They never pay attention to what they are doing, that's the problem over here..

(Passenger seat window):TAPTAPTAP.

French Man (grinning): Here you go, girls (hands over box of 12 eggs). You left these on the roof of the car. We thought we ought to let you know before you drove off (gestures behind himself at entire shop full of Frenchies watching, pointing and clutching their sides with laughter)

*Birds without Eggs